Monday, September 05, 2005

Where is God When Disaster Strikes?

By the Rev. Charles Austin

The writer is a retired pastor and newspaper reporter.

We are now hearing the questions always asked after a disaster. “Where was God as Hurricane Katrina destroyed lives and property last week? Doesn’t God care? Why did God do this?”

People always ask those questions, but they are the wrong questions.

However, one of those questions does have an answer. “Where was God last week?” God was in the hearts and minds of believers who suffered; God was sharing their sorrow, grief and loss. God was in the hearts and minds and bodies of people who did brave things to rescue others, to provide aid and comfort and give others strength to go on in horrible circumstances. God was--and is--in the prayers and aid that the rest of the country and the world will send to the devastated area.

God is not off on vacation. God was there: instantly, continuously.

Those other questions--Doesn’t God care? Why did God do this?--are the wrong questions. We want to ask them, but they are the wrong questions.

Read more of this article.

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